Monday 24 October 2011

Skipping into Scorpio

My exploration into setting my theme for next year continues. I feel like an explorer, venturing into unknown territory, seeing everything as fresh and new. Setting bold intentions and being fearless, or at least trying my hardest to be fearless! Since we’re approaching a new moon phase (check out mystic momma’s writing on turning to Scorpio) and the daylight hours shorten, it seems right and proper to be turning up the light inside and reflecting on what lies within.

I have made a pact with myself to be kind to me. That means giving myself time and space to go deep into my heart and plumb the depths for the gold which lies within. It means not crashing forward, as it my usual propensity and setting up rules and goals to get somewhere. To simply take pleasure in this creative process and allow it to blossom naturally and from a place of inner wisdom. The tendency is to cling to the past, to define ourselves by what has gone before, or rush to the future, missing out on all the juicy bits. What I’m noticing is that when I allow myself to slow down, to breath to really spend time to figure out each event and what it’s there to me, the world rises up to meet me. It really does! Very exciting things arise which I could never have orchestrated and all around me relationships are fill up with light.

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