Friday 18 November 2011

Breathe in... breathe out...

What have I learnt on my mat this week? I’ve learnt, yet again, to pause, soften and be lead by my breath. Something I’m trying hard to cultivate in as I frantically search for a document I spent an hour working which has disappeared...

I’ve learnt that I can engage my adductors even more, yes, that much, so they’re firing on all cylinders and interestingly that the right doesn’t like to play as much as the left. This is more than a physical action, it’s grit and determination to stick to what I believe in no matter what...

I’ve learnt to find room for my femininity, to giggle and be playful, to dance. That makes life just that little bit sweeter...

I’ve learnt that playfulness needs to be appropriate to the situation and that having an open heart means to keep listening...

I’ve learnt to shine out in my poses with unabashed joy in all directions and without reservation, to be vulnerable and open...

Yet again, I’ve learnt the lesson of Spanda, pulsation, where everything in the universe expands and contracts and to find equanimity wherever I am in that cycle. Breathe in, expand, breathe out, contract, I will never get tired of that...

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